What is our question base
In this article, we explain what our question base is and explain how it works.
What is our question base
Our question base is a forum where you can post and reply to questions. Our support staff also provides answers. Click here to go to the question base.
How to ask a question in the question base
Important: your question is visible to all Cryptohopper users. Don’t post any personal data, like your API Keys, passwords, etc.
Asking a question
Type your question in the search bar and click “Ask Question”. Fill in the required fields like the categories. It helps to improve the search functionality. Important: do not add more than 2 categories.
Browse through questions
Click on a category to see all the questions in a specific category. Check out the Trending questions.
Answering questions
Answers questions to help other users. Answer the most questions and your username will be on the leaderboard. To answer a question click on the question. Write a short answer. Include screenshots, images, videos, and columns.
Click “Discover” to see a list of trending questions, latest questions, most answered questions, popular questions, unanswered questions, unanswered questions looking for help, featured questions, and the leaderboard.
Click “Manage” to see previously received notifications, questions, answers, and email alerts.
Below you find an example of a question that is answered by the user who originally posted the question. On the right side, you see additional information.
Below is another example of a question that is answered.